Wednesday, December 28, 2011

5 Easy Steps on How to Convince Your Parents to Get a Dog

It is easy to persuade your parents into getting a dog, as long as you do it right. Here are easy steps to make sure you do:

  1. Do not keep bringing the dog up, this irritates your parents and makes the delay of the dog even longer. Bring it up maybe once every few weeks just as a reminder that you really want one, but don't go over-bored.
  2. Show your parents you are responsible enough to take care of the dog. You can start by cleaning up around the house and offering to do chorus. This will get your parents thinking that a dog wouldn't be a problem since you are doing so well 
  3. Do almost all the work for them. You can find a good breeder for the dog you want, make sure it doesn't cause any allergies (if you, your parents or any of your friends have them), ask people in your neighborhood what they think of their dog (if they have the same kind you are going for, or same breeder), and present all your information when you think it is the "right" time. Know if it sheds a lot, a little, or not at all (if it is a little or not at all, this can be a key factor for the dog)
  4. Offer to chip-in with the costs of the dog. Dog's expenses are not cheap, so that may be the reason your parents are holding back. Offer to pay with your money for the dog food, if you really want a dog, allowances are not as important.
  5. Show your parents the pro's of having a dog, and maybe even the con's. This shows your parents what the good sides and bad sides of the dog is. If you or someone else doesn't do this, your parents may be surprised (and not in a good way) when you get your dog.
If this works for you, please comment below. If there is anything you think I should add, please also comment below.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Dear Readers,
       I hope you like my site so far, and just to let you know, their are a few more things to this site than you probably would have expected-
  • You get to play with the fish at the bottom
  • You get to check out the other cool websites I have found on Blogger
  • You get to see the news updates (also on the bottom)
  • You get to read all this information about dogs
  • You get to get advice on how to persuade your parents into letting you get a dog

Males vs. Females

Many people think that females are sweeter, gentler dogs. There are always exceptions; however, in genera, females actually tend to be a bit more independent than males. Looking for a more affectionate dog? Many dog owners swear that a neutered male is the ticket.

Top 5 Benefits of Getting a Puppy...

  1. Puppies are Cute: There is no denying that holding a little puppy is one of the most wonderful feelings in life. Keep in mind that puppies are cute for a reason... if they weren't so adorable, you wouldn't be likely to tolerate them.
  2. You get to pick: Well sort of. You get to pick the breeder and the litter of puppies; however, when picking the actual puppy, you may be more limited.
  3. You Inherit a Mentor:  A reputable breeder is incredibly knowledgeable about the breed and wants his or her puppies to do well in their homes. A puppy's breeder will be able to help you through all the rough patches with your pup able raise him to be a great companion.
  4. Opportunity to Work on Your Sleep-deprivation Skills: This could be a valuable skill for someone...somewhere...maybe? 
  5. You get to raise him "Right:" Raising a puppy is a big responsibility. You can control his learning environment, ensuring that he doesn't have any frightening experiences and that he learns through positive experiences.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Dog Blog

Welcome to the Brand-New site, Dog Blog. It is full of advice for dogs of all kinds, but mostly my favorite- Labs! I will be writing advice on how to take care, prep your home, play and feed your dog. I hope you enjoy this site as much as I will and thanks for visiting!